Reading Plus and PARCC ELA

Reading Plus and PARCC ELA

Elementary, Middle, High Grades 3-11

Purpose of Study:

This report focuses on a comparison between the Reading Plus InSight assessment and the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers English Language Arts/Literacy assessment (PARCC ELA) as well as the impact of the Reading Plus instructional intervention on student performance on the PARCC ELA assessment.

Study Design:

This school district study included students in grades 3-11 with valid PARCC ELA and InSight assessment data from spring 2018 (n = 2,121), and students in grades 4-11 who had valid PARCC ELA scores from spring 2017 and spring 2018 (n = 2,287).

Key Results:

The Reading Plus InSight assessment and the PARCC ELA assessment are strongly correlated and have equivalent expectations for proficiency, which makes InSight a strong predictor of PARCC ELA performance.

Students who completed at least 80 Reading Plus lessons consistently had the highest percentage rate of advancement to a higher PARCC ELA performance level assessment when compared to students who used Reading Plus less frequently.

Graph showing the percent of students who advanced from PARCC ELA Level 1, 2, or 3 to a higher level

Study Profile

Type of Study: Correlational & Impact Study

Grades: Elementary, Middle, High Grades 3-11

Participants: Part 1: 2,121 / Part 2: 2,287

Measure: Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers English Language Arts/Literacy (PARCC ELA)

Publication and Date: Reading Plus Research Brief, 2019

Type of Publication: Research Brief

Authors: Reading Plus Research Department

Study Profile

Type of Study: Correlational & Impact Study

Grades: Elementary, Middle, High Grades 3-11

Participants: Part 1: 2,121 / Part 2: 2,287

Measure: Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers English Language Arts/Literacy (PARCC ELA)

Publication and Date: Reading Plus Research Brief, 2019

Type of Publication: Research Brief

Authors: Reading Plus Research Department