M-Cell Deficit and Reading Disability

M-Cell Deficit and Reading Disability: A Preliminary Study of the Effects of Temporal Vision-Processing Therapy

Assessment | Middle School

Summary of Findings:

The study involved 16 seventh-grade students from a New York City school who were defined as moderately disabled readers after being tested on the Gates-MacGinitie Reading Test.

Results showed significant improvement on all post-tests, with the Gates Test (p=0.001) average GE increase to 6.52, and the Coherent Motion Threshold Test (p=0.011) down to 4.98%. The students’ average w.p.m. increased to 160 on the Gray Oral Reading Test (p=0.002) and the students achieved a 11.19 mean scaled score increase on the Woodcock-Johnson Test (p=0.001). This study concludes that through temporal vision therapy, reading disabled students with M-Cell deficit can improve magnocellular processing and reading comprehension skills.

“Eye movements in reading, measured objectively with the Visagraph, can be improved significantly with appropriate therapy.”

Optometry Journal

Study Profile

Type of Study: Exploratory Study

Participants: N = 16

Measure: Gates-MacGinitie, Gray Oral Reading Test, Woodcock-Johnson, Visagraph

Publication: Optometry, 75(10), 640-650, 2004

Authors: Harold A. Solan, John Shelley-Tremblay, Peter C. Hansen, Michael E. Silverman, Steven M. Larson, and Anthony Ficarra