Teacher Import


Step 1: Download the Teacher Template

PLEASE NOTE: To ensure that your data is imported correctly, the teacher template file must be named “teachers” and must be saved in the “CSV (Comma Separated Value)” format. If any classes or user accounts were created manually before using the import tool, those accounts will not be affected in any way and will not be moved or adjusted as part of the import process.

Step 2: Prepare Your Required Data Fields

The following fields in the CSV template are required.


  • This field must NOT contain spaces, apostrophes, quotation marks, commas, semicolons, colons, or accented characters.


  • This field must NOT contain spaces, apostrophes, quotation marks, commas, semicolons, colons, or accented characters.


  • This field must NOT include extra spaces, apostrophes, quotation marks, commas, semicolons, colons, or accented characters.
  • We recommend using an email address or an ID number for the username.
  • This field must be a minimum of 6 characters.


  • This field must NOT include extra spaces, apostrophes, quotation marks, commas, semicolons, colons, or accented characters.
  • This field must be a minimum of 6 characters.


  • This field MUST be in standard email format, i.e. “Example.Teacher@Example.com”

*Please check out these Spreadsheet Tips for suggestions on how to easily generate usernames and passwords.

Step 3: Adding Classes


  • We recommend you include this data field in the import because it will make the Class set-up in the program faster and easier.
  • When assigning multiple classes to a single teacher account, simply add a duplicate row for that teacher and change the class column to reflect each new class.
  • It is important to note that having a Class listed in this field will attempt to automatically create a new class with the listed name. If a class was already manually created, the import process will not add teachers to it.
  • If you choose to include class data, the name of the class must appear consistently to ensure appropriate student enrollment. For example, the class names “7th Grade,” “7th grade,” and “Grade 7” would be treated as three separate classes

Step 4 (Final Step): Import Your CSV File

After you have prepared the “teachers.csv” file and saved it with the proper name, simply log in to your Reading Plus administrator account, click the green Site button. Select Imports, and then click Upload Teachers to upload the file.

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