The Correlation between Eye Movement Data and Three Commonly Used Academic Reading Assessments
Assessment | Upper Elementary School
Summary of Findings:
An association between reading efficiency and comprehension is often ascribed to individual differences in the distribution of cognitive resources between lexical-processing and comprehension. In this view, the ability to decode words and engage in the process of reading with automaticity (i.e., with little conscious effort or attention) serves to free up finite cognitive resources that can instead be devoted to information processing and the construction of meaning. It follows that reading efficiency should be an important factor in academic achievement.
This research examined the relationship between eye movement measures of reading efficiency and academic achievement in US elementary school students.
There were moderately strong correlations (r > .60) between most measures yielded by the three assessments of academic achievement. In all cases the correlations were significant (p < .001). As would be expected, the strongest correlations were between summary measures (GRADE Total Test Standard Scores, InSight proficiency) and their sub-components.
“These results show that reading efficiency is significantly related to measures of academic achievement, and are consistent with the view that more efficient reading may contribute to improved academic outcomes.”
Study Profile
Type of Study: Correlational Study
Participants: N = 292
Measure: InSight, GRADE, SBAC, Visagraph
Presentation: 19th European Conference on Eye Movements (ECEM), Wuppertal, Germany, 2017
Authors: Alexandra N. Spichtig, Kristin M. Gehsmann, Jeffrey P. Pascoe, and John D. Ferrara