
How it Works | ASSESSMENT

Comprehensive Assessment

The Reading Plus adaptive assessment, InSight, is a valid and reliable assessment that was created under the direction and guidance of leading reading and assessment researchers. InSight goes beyond typical measures of comprehension and vocabulary by also measuring comprehension-based silent reading rate and motivation. The rich data not only gives teachers a deep understanding of their students’ needs, but also empowers students to follow their own personalized paths to reading proficiency.

Male high school student seated at desk, smiling with books and a laptop computer.

A 360-Degree View

Reading Plus’ adaptive assessment gives educators a 360-degree view of each student. It provides a data-driven starting point for the personalized instruction and practice students need to become independent readers. Rich data is transformed into a variety of reports that give teachers the information they need for targeted instruction.

The Screening Report gives teachers a view of each student’s skill levels.

Computer screen image showing the Screening Report.

The Placement Report displays the recommended number of weekly lessons and places students into a personalized learning path.

Computer screen image showing the Placement Report

The Benchmark Report helps teachers monitor each student’s progress over time.

Computer screen image showing the Benchmark Report

The Only Assessment that Measures Student Motivation

Research shows that students’ attitudes and mindsets play an important role in learning. In InSight, students respond to statements about reading that help to create a picture of how they see themselves as readers.   InSight was designed to measure and report on student motivation under the direction of motivational expert, Dr. John Guthrie.

Silhouette of a student head with icons to represent growth mindset
Graph showing normative silent reading rates for students in grade 1 through college
Normative silent reading rates for students in various grades.

The Only Intervention that Assesses Silent Reading Rate

The most assessed and least taught skill is silent reading fluency.  Based on extensive research, Reading Plus has developed proven instruction and practice activities for efficient silent reading.

Strongly Correlated to Commonly Used Assessments

Reading Plus is strongly correlated to national and state reading assessments. These findings indicate that Reading Plus can serve not only as an instructional program, but also as a key component in a school’s literacy assessment.

Table showing how Reading Plus correlates strongly with most national and state reading assessments